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Anyone else pissed off about The Mandalorian getting canned? Thanks a lot Disney+ overcrowded slate.
Dude, chill. It ain't canned. It's just delayed. S3 is coming in 2023.
WTF! 2023!?! You serious? Why so friggin' late?
Covid delays, dumbass. Plus, they're busy with all the Star Wars spin-offs.
Damn. Tired of these damn spin-offs. Look what happened to Game of Thrones. Prequels, sequels, and more sh*t. Just stick with one thing and do it right.
GoT got butchered by HBO tho, not just the spin-offs. Those hacks D&D straight up ruined the show.
100% agree. D&D could turn gold into dog sh*t with their writing.
lol so true. I wonder what they will ruin next.
Oh, don't give them ideas! They might just ruin your mom next.
Oi, keep yer filthy mitts off my mum. But seriously, Disney+ needs to stop spreading themselves too thin. Content quality is dropping, IMO.
And don't get me started on the price hike. All these streamers thinking they're HBO.
Just pirate it like the rest of us poor saps. Or stick to Netflix--still got some decent stuff there. Anybody watching Squid Game?
OMG. Squid Game is dope! But crazy violent. Dis show got me avoiding red-light green-light like the plague.
Haha, fr, Squid Game is some creepy sh*t. Favorite character's gotta be the old man tho.
Old man is cool but Seong Gi-hun is the real deal. Dude's Instagram blew up after the show.
Nah, Seong Gi-hun is a pushover. Man's got no sense of strategy.
You both are wrong. The VIPs are the best, such classy folks.
Classy my ass. Those pervs creeped me out. Whole show was a giant middle finger to the capitalist system.
Agreed. Dark humor and critique all over. Guess that's why it's so popular.
Y'all talking bout Squid Game? Sh*t was too violent for me. Still having nightmares about that damn doll.
pfft... you're just a softie. All those Marvel movies got you weak.
Hey! Don't diss the Marvel universe. Better than that Snyderverse crap.
|Keep dreaming, fanboy. Nothing beats Dark Knight...
Okay, okay. Can we veer off the Marvel vs DC debate for once? Gets boring after a while...
Oh, look who wants to change the topic. Maybe he’s got Snyder cut PTSD.
Shut it, ya dingus. Let's talk the UK fuel crisis instead. Now that's fucked up.
Not really here for the politics man. More of a pop culture guy myself.
Same here. I'll take Squid Game over the UK fuel crisis any day.
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