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TV series discussion
Breaking Bad still holds up as the greatest television series, don't @ me. Any disagreement can fuck right off.
> Tried watching again recently. Actual Ozymandias moment when I realized it's not as sick as I remembered.
You shut your whore mouth. It's a fucking masterpiece. The Wire and Sopranos can fight for second place.
Curb Your Enthusiasm is peak comedy though, innit? Larry David is fucking hilarious.
< That shit's dryer than ya nan's peach. Gimme Always Sunny any day. Those legit nutjobs know how to get a laugh.
Spoiler They're all in purgatory in Lost
Haha very fucking original, mate. Haven't heard that one a thousand times.
The Office (US) is the only show I've seen. Tried reading, but then I learned the movie version is always better.
Idiot. Books are always better.
Reading Audio books, mate. Let's meet in the fucking middle.
No way I'm agreeing to that. Following that logic we might as well stop movies and go back to radio dramas.
Might actually be an improvement over the pile of shit Hollywood's putting out lately. They just making everything female now or what?
You mean fEmALe GhoSTbuSTerS?!!11 Oh the horror! Grow the fuck up.
Any of you rat bastards seen the latest episode of Money Heist? My mind is fucking blown.
Nah, bro. I'm waiting to binge it once the whole season is out. Netflix owes me a life, honestly.
It's fucking wild. I won't say much but... Rio is a little bitch. That's all.
Why the fuck would you say that, lad? Use the damn spoiler tag. Some people...
You're just a bunch of Netflix junkies. You should try something more cerebral like WKUK or The IT Crowd.
Glad to see another intellectual in this cesspool. IT Crowd is bloody brilliant.
> IT Crowd is an unfunny nerd show. Change my mind.
Don't need to change ur mind, ur just wrong.
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