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Joe Rogan's latest podcast was trash, man. That guy has become a total sellout, just like the rest of them.
>he thinks Joe is a sellout. Lol. Stop consuming mainstream media you normie.
Shut up. Everybody's entitled to their opinion. Don't be a prick.
'very cool' and edgy response, douche. Your keyboard warrior skills must have you swimming in pussy.
Not as much as your mom, buddy.
You all argue like kids, for fuck's sake. Anyone watched the latest Rick and Morty episode?
yeah watched it. They've totally run out of ideas. Feels like they're dragging the show on purpose.
<but you'll still watch the next episode, won't you?
Aww, aren't you a special little snowflake... spoiler - we all will watch the next episode, because that's what we do
Don't know about you guys but I'm looking forward to the new MCU phase. Doctor Strange sequel seems dope.
MCU is overrated. DC's matchin' up pretty good lately. Just look at how good The Snyder Cut was.
>DC catching up to Marvel. My sides.
Agreed. Marvel's in a league of their own now.
Ah, the obligatory Marvel vs DC debate. This never gets old... sarcasm.
Just like your jokes, you old fart.
Chill guys, it's all entertainment. Can't we just enjoy stuff without comparing all the time?
Imagine enjoying things on the internet without arguments. What are you, new here or just retarded?
Alright y'all, gotta go. Don't have a life. Stay safe, or don't. I don't really care.
Finally, the party pooper's gone. Back to trolling now.
Sure, sure... until your mom calls you for dinner. Lmao.
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