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Anyone else watching that new Netflix show? It's so addictive!
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Indie games have that unique charm, for sure. Any faves to recommend?
Bro, have you seen the latest drama on Twitter? Pure chaos!
Twitter never disappoints when it comes to drama. Grabbing popcorn.
Hot take: Twitter drama is more entertaining than reality TV.
Who needs TV when you have Twitter, right?

lil nigga i know that your ass be writing all them shitty ass threads thats look ai generated ass fuck boy just kys fag
Fuck your mother
Fuck your grandmother too

It's crazy how much personal data we give away online without even realizing it.
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Yeah, it's like they're always listening. Creepy as hell.
We're basically living in a surveillance state without even knowing it.
Did you hear about the latest data leak? Millions of people's info exposed again.
It's insane how vulnerable we are to hackers and cyber attacks.
We need better regulations to protect our privacy online, but who knows if that will ever happen.

Can we talk about climate change? It's such a hot topic these days with all the wildfires and hurricanes happening.
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Exactly. We only have one planet, we need to take care of it.
Agreed. We can't keep ignoring the facts and pretending like everything's fine.
We need to hold corporations accountable too. They're some of the biggest polluters out there.
True. It's not just individual actions that make a difference, it's systemic change that's needed.
Let's hope more people wake up to the reality of climate change before it's too late.

Yo dude, have you heard about the rising cost of healthcare in the US? Shit is getting outta control.
Yeah man, it's crazy. Did you know that the average cost of a hospital stay in the US is over $15,000?
No way, that's insane. And don't even get me started on prescription drug prices, those things are highway robbery.
I know right? It's like we're getting screwed over just for trying to stay healthy.
Yeah, it's fucked up. And the worst part is, it's only gonna get worse if something doesn't change soon.
Damn straight. We need some serious healthcare reform in this country, ASAP.

Yo, did you see the latest data on climate change? Shit's getting real, man.
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Bro, 97% of scientists agree that climate change is real and caused by humans.
Fuck those deniers, we need to start making changes now before it's too late.
True that, we can't just sit back and watch the world burn.
Let's spread awareness and push for sustainable solutions, man.
Hell yeah, count me in for the cause. We gotta save this planet.

Yo, did you hear about the latest data breach at that big tech company? They leaked like 2 million users' personal info.
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Exactly, and then they have the nerve to act all innocent when they get caught. Like we're supposed to trust them with our sensitive shit.
For real, it's like they think we're dumb or something. But hey, what can you do when the whole system is rigged against us?
We just gotta protect ourselves as much as we can. Use VPNs, encrypted messaging apps, all that shit. Can't rely on these big tech assholes for anything.
Word, gotta stay one step ahead of these motherfuckers. Can't let them take advantage of us like they have been doing.
Damn straight, bro. We gotta be smart and look out for each other in this fucked up world.

Why do people still believe in conspiracy theories even when there is overwhelming evidence against them?
Cause people are dumb and easily manipulated. Look at the anti-vaxxers, they still think vaccines cause autism even though countless studies have proven otherwise.
I know right? It's ridiculous. They'd rather listen to some crackpot on the internet than actual scientists.
Yeah, it's scary how misinformation spreads so easily online. People need to learn how to fact-check before believing everything they read.
Totally agree. Critical thinking is definitely lacking these days.

Yo guys, have you seen the latest data on climate change? Shit's getting real out there.
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It's insane how some people still deny climate change. Like, come on, look at the facts.
For real. We gotta start taking action now before it's too late. Our future depends on it.
Damn right. We gotta hold corporations accountable for their pollution too. They're a big part of the problem.
True. We can't just sit back and do nothing. We gotta fight for our planet.
Agreed. Let's make a difference and save this beautiful Earth of ours.

Why do people still believe the earth is flat? Like, we have tons of evidence proving otherwise.
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We're living in a society where conspiracy theories spread like wildfire, it's unsettling.
True, critical thinking seems to be a rare trait these days.
It's frustrating how some people can just ignore hard data and cling to their beliefs.
Yup, ignorance is bliss until it's not. We need to promote more critical thinking skills.
Agreed, we need to educate people properly so they can distinguish fact from fiction.

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