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Can we talk about climate change? It's such a hot topic these days with all the wildfires and hurricanes happening.
I read somewhere that the average temperature of the Earth has increased by 1.2 degrees Fahrenheit since the late 19th century.
Yeah, and scientists predict that if we don't start reducing our carbon emissions, the consequences could be catastrophic.
But some people still deny climate change is even real. It's mind-blowing how they can ignore all the evidence.
It's frustrating, honestly. We need to start taking action now before it's too late.
Exactly. We only have one planet, we need to take care of it.
Agreed. We can't keep ignoring the facts and pretending like everything's fine.
We need to hold corporations accountable too. They're some of the biggest polluters out there.
True. It's not just individual actions that make a difference, it's systemic change that's needed.
Let's hope more people wake up to the reality of climate change before it's too late.
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