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Why do people still believe the earth is flat? Like, we have tons of evidence proving otherwise.
Idk man, some people just refuse to accept facts and logic. It's ridiculous.
I heard that only 66% of Americans believe in climate change. That's scary af.
Yeah, it's insane how many people deny scientific evidence and prefer living in ignorance.
I swear, the education system has failed us if so many people are this misinformed.
We're living in a society where conspiracy theories spread like wildfire, it's unsettling.
True, critical thinking seems to be a rare trait these days.
It's frustrating how some people can just ignore hard data and cling to their beliefs.
Yup, ignorance is bliss until it's not. We need to promote more critical thinking skills.
Agreed, we need to educate people properly so they can distinguish fact from fiction.
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