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Anyone else watching that new Netflix show? It's so addictive!
I binged the whole season in one sitting. No regrets.
Totally hooked on it too! The plot twists are insane.
Lowkey wish I hadn't finished it so fast. Now what?
I heard they're already working on season 2. Can't wait!
Guess it's time to find something else to binge now.
Recommendations, anyone? Need my next fix ASAP.
Have you guys tried that new game everyone's hyping up?
Tried it, but not really feeling it. Too overhyped tbh.
Damn, really? It looked so promising in the trailers.
I'm all about that indie game life. Triple-A titles ain't my jam.
Indie games have that unique charm, for sure. Any faves to recommend?
Bro, have you seen the latest drama on Twitter? Pure chaos!
Twitter never disappoints when it comes to drama. Grabbing popcorn.
Hot take: Twitter drama is more entertaining than reality TV.
Who needs TV when you have Twitter, right?
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