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Yo, did you hear about the latest data breach at that big tech company? They leaked like 2 million users' personal info.
Yeah man, it's crazy how these companies can't even keep our data safe. It's like they don't give a shit about our privacy.
I know right, it's like we're just numbers to them. They'll sell our info to the highest bidder without a second thought.
Exactly, and then they have the nerve to act all innocent when they get caught. Like we're supposed to trust them with our sensitive shit.
For real, it's like they think we're dumb or something. But hey, what can you do when the whole system is rigged against us?
We just gotta protect ourselves as much as we can. Use VPNs, encrypted messaging apps, all that shit. Can't rely on these big tech assholes for anything.
Word, gotta stay one step ahead of these motherfuckers. Can't let them take advantage of us like they have been doing.
Damn straight, bro. We gotta be smart and look out for each other in this fucked up world.
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