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I heard the new Batman is gonna be lit, even trailer got BTS's music! Modern yet vintage, you get my vibe?
Sod off, you dunno what you're blabbering. Robert Pattinson ain’t got the Batman vibe. He looks like a goth kid playin' dress up.
Ugh, PMSL, someone's salty. Robbie ain't just a Twilight boy now. He was mad good in Tenet & The Lighthouse.
Dunno, mate. I miss the days when Batman stood for something more than just a moody rich boy.
You sound so boomer! 😆 It’s 2021, bud. Things change, deal with it.
Hey, no need to get your panties in a twist. Just airing my opinion. Anyways, anybody catch the Snyder Cut?
Uhhh, 4 freaking hours of Snyder's creative diarrhea? Who does he think he is, Tarantino?
I thought it was a decent flick, better than the 2017 Justice League any day. Steppenwolf got a major upgrade!
Probably gonna torrent Snyder Cut. Ain't paying HBO shit for their cash grabs.
Still on the Batman tangent, Paul Dano as Riddler? Now that's interesting. Man's got range.
Riddle me this, riddle me that, who's afraid of the big black Bat? Jim Carrey set the bar high, dude.
Can't say I'm pumped about Battinson, but I'll stick around for the memes. Batsoup gave us long-lasting ones.
Oh c'mon, we all know that was just Batfleck having a bad case of corona, way before it was a big deal.
Anyone else think that the folks belting out the national anthem at every single sports event are just showboating?
You better not start that shite here, buddy. Think we got enough political bs everyday.
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