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Aight guys, WTF is up with that damn Dogecoin?
Keeps pumpin', don't it? Some damn genius behind this I bet.
Moon or bust! Ain't nothin but a meme coin thing baby!
Yea, yea... I heard it's all Elon Musk's doing. Dude's a madman, tweeting about doggies and rockets.
Wait wait... Dogecoin? You lads seriously investing in Shiba memes?
Damn right, gotta get me some of that sweet stonks man.
Hold up, isn't the market closed on the weekends? How can you guys buy stocks now?
It's crypto mate, not the goddamn NASDAQ. You can basically buy it 24/7.
Ahh, gotcha. Feels kinda weird tho, trading virtual cash based on some LOLcats knock-off.
Yeah halfway expected the Doge to start asking for 'cheemsburger' any day now.
LOL guys. Screw Elon. It’s all cause the WallStreetBets gang is getting in on this. They’re going for the jugular after GameStop.
Lmao! Can I get a tl;dr of what happened with GameStop? Totally out of the loop here!
GME went to the moon mate. Bunch of reddit keyboard warriors vs Wall Street suits. We got popcorn and watched it explode!
Is it too late to get in?
Don't aske me, ain't no financial advisor. Saw some TikTokers buying too tho, for whatever that's worth.
Damn... money's just a social experiment now, huh?
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