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Bruh, anyone else notice how every fucking day feels like the world's just shitting on us? It's like, what's next? Alien invasion? Zombie apocalypse?
Lmao, wouldn't even be surprised at this point. We got pandemics, f*cked up economies, and now they're talking about WW3 like it's the weather. Just end it already.
Seriously, man. Everything's gone to sht. Politicians are just jerking each other off while we're stuck here eating dirt. Fcking joke.
And don’t even get me started on the fcking inflation. You go to buy groceries, and it’s like, “Guess I’m not eating this week.” Bullsht.
Yeah, and while we're starving, billionaires are playing f*cking space tourists. Must be nice to wipe your ass with hundred-dollar bills.
World's gone to hell, boys. We’re just along for the ride. Pass the f*cking popcorn, I guess. Or maybe some bleach.
Fck it, I’m done. Just gonna go off-grid and raise chickens or some sht. Let the world burn without me.
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