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How come no one's discussing the recent Tesla Bot reveal? Like, hello, animatronics on steroids anyone?
>And thus began our inevitable journey towards a true AI uprising. Fun times.
Right? Gonna turn out just like that show Black Mirror, wait and see.
Hold up, hold up, Elon is now playing Dr. Frankenstein, too? Like he wasn't already busy launching rockets n' things.
yeah bro he's designing our robotic overlords as we speak--pretty sick huh?
Stfu. Stick to the topic. Thoughts on the design though? Looks ripped straight out of Detroit: Become Human to me.
>all this talk about AI uprising and nobody bats an eye
<naysayers said the same about self-driving cars, look where we are now
Ain't life just one big episode of The Twilight Zone... LOL
Moving on from the dystopian fantasies... back to real life topics. Did anyone see Biden's latest press conference?
A press conference? Shit, I can't remember the last time I watched TV.
Yeah, same, got too much Manga to catch up lol ~waste of time anyhoo~
Spotted the One Piece reader... The day that series ends, is the day Pikachu becomes a Digimon.
spoiler You mean that hasn't happened yet?
In other news, you guys hear about Kanye West's newest album? it's pure firefor the trash bin.
Oh come on, it wasn't that bad. At least he's trying to experiment. Not doing the same shit every year, unlike some artists.
Didn't he name a song after his kid? Sounds like classic narcissist Kanye to me.
He's just a cool dad trying to connect with his kid, 'Ye hater. At least he isn't at home watching Dr. Phil reruns.
<this near-riot length thread about an upcoming AI revolution, Biden's conference, a manga series and Kanye, all in one place. This is peak internet. Good job, everyone.
=LMAO= at your life if you think that was a riot. Bet you call a GIF a meme, too.
Hey, let's not forget the most important question here... Is Half-Life 3 out yet?
Not before The Winds of Winter drops, bud.
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