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>Fuck me, just watched the latest episode of Stranger Things. Mind = blown
Reminds me of old school Star Trek, but like, on crack. 
Or Star Wars minus the fucking midi-chlorians. George Lucas ruined the Force no cap
Damn son, don't even get me started on Lucas and his fucking changes. Han shot first
lmao, nerds. Any of you been keeping up with the Kardashians? It's been DeMarcus Cousins-real this season.
What, you mean DeMarcus 'boogie' Cousins the basketball player? The fuck? 
Nah, it's a meme 'cause of the drama. It's like 'real' but more intense. Kardashians are always batshit, though.
>Started off about Stranger Things  >Derail to Star Wars >Jump to Kardashians...  Reddit in a nutshell loving the chaos
lol true. But hey, at least we're not talking bout politics, amirite?
Oi fuck off, don't even breathe that into existence. I've had enough of that shit for one lifetime
Rofl okay, let's pivot back to more pressing concerns. Anime titties – yay or nay?
Yay all day everyday. We been knew, bro. All hail oppai!
< Oppai is life, but thighs are high tier too, you dig?
You've activated my trap card - the cult of flat is justice. Down with the thicc agenda!
>all this weeb shit >not talking about classic cartoons like Spongebob. You're missing out, you bloody wankers
Spongebob? That's some OG shit right there. Respect
And that ends our wholesome moment of the evening. Back to bashing George Lucas in 3... 2...
One does not simply bash George Lucas without mentioning Jar Jar freaking Binks...
Aight, that's it. I'm done with this place for the night. Enjoy your circlejerk, y'all
Nice chatting, anon. May the Force be with your ass. Peace out
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