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Anyone finally catch Spider-Man: No Way Home yet? Damn, liked it better than Endgame tbh πŸ˜‚
About time we got Tobey back, missed his Spidey πŸ•·οΈ.
Agreed, saw it last night, complete nostalgia overload. But Jamie Foxx, though... dude looked ridiculous, lmao.
LoL, kinda liked new Electro, less goofy than the blue version. But that Sandman CGI...damn, my PS2 had better textures.
Serious inquiries only - where can I stream it online for free? They didn't launch it on Disney+. πŸ˜’
Watch out, mate. Disney ninjas might pop out of nowhere for your piracy solicitation 🦹.
DM me, got a place for you, but let's keep it hush-hush 😏
Dude, support the creators! If you can't pay, just watch something else on Netflix. U seen Squid Game?
Who didn't, mate! Squid Game got over-hyped. Preferred Alice in Borderland over it, and the ending was just wacky.
Haven't seen Alice. Is it worth the hype? Is it on Prime or Hulu?
It’s on Netflix. The Japanese know their survival games, mate. Alice Rabbit coming to get ya 😜.
Spoilers, dude! I swear, you people wouldn't know spoiler etiquette if it bit you in the arse.
Back to Spiderman, though. You think this is the big reboot kick-off for the Sinister Six?
Hell yeah, mate. Green Goblin, Electro, Sandman, and Lizard. Just need Kraven and Mysterio back. Sony's gonna milk this for sure.
Can we not talk about Mysterio? Jake Gyllenhaal was wasted on that role. Change my mind.
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