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Anyone else here catch the finale of Wandavision? Holy sequence of Scarlet Witch transformations, Batman!
Hell yeah, I was so hyped! Lemu true bless.
So Wanda's the badass witch now, huh? MCU's not messing around pulling off the House of M stuff.
But seriously, the advertisements were a pain in the ass.
True, but the post credits got me shook. White Vision's still out there, Quantum Realm stuff too.
Wait, the Quantum Realm? That's Ant-Man's turf, right? 
Yep, and Doctor Strange's territory too – I smell a crossover brewing.
I hope it's not another 'Martha' moment.
Dude, don't even bring up that abomination, okay? 
And all I thought this week was about that SpaceX Starship landing - smooth as butter, another huge win for Musk.
Smooth as butter, really? Try watching it without your Elon fanboy goggles.
Hey, haters gonna hate. At least the man's pushing boundaries, better than most politicians out there.
Yeah, right. Didn't he cause a lot of trouble on Twitter a while back?
That's called being savage, bud. Learn to DM me if you can't handle public embarrassment.
Nah, he's just another billionaire playing 'rich man, poor man', I bet he checks Dogecoin price every morning before brushing his teeth.
That's some salt right there, should I tag you in that 'Why so salty? meme?
Do it, you coward! You still owe me for that roasting in the GameStop stocks discussion.
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