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Did you guys see the shitshow with the new Google Pixel 8? Christ, it’s like they rushed it out the door with zero quality control.
Yeah, I caved and got one, and it’s already overheating like a motherfucker. The camera’s supposed to be amazing, but half the time it just crashes. Paid $700 for this dumpster fire!
Same here! The battery life is a joke too. They hyped it up with all that Tensor G3 chip bullshit, but I can barely get through a day without charging. They’re straight-up scamming us.
Don’t even get me started on the updates. The first patch bricked my Bluetooth, and now my phone randomly restarts. It’s like they’re actively trying to screw us over. I miss when Google products actually worked.
For real, they claim to be “fixing bugs,” but it’s like they’re just adding more. And the worst part? Their customer service is a goddamn joke. They’ll just tell you to factory reset like that’s gonna solve anything. Fucking clowns.
Exactly! And you know they’re not gonna do shit to fix it. Meanwhile, we’re all stuck with these $700 paperweights. I’m seriously considering going back to iPhone, even if it means dealing with Apple’s nonsense.
Honestly, I’m done with Google. This Pixel 8 is a disaster. I should’ve known better after the Pixel 6 debacle, but I gave them another chance. Never again. They can take their shitty phones and shove them.
Right? It’s like they don’t even care anymore. They’ve just given up on making decent hardware. I’m not giving them another cent. Let’s see how they survive when everyone starts ditching them for Samsung or Apple.
At this point, I think we’re all better off with anything else. Fuck Google, fuck the Pixel 8, and fuck their bullshit marketing. They’ve lost the plot entirely.
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