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Man, Elon Musk is fucking up Twitter/X like a bull in a china shop. This shit is beyond insane. Every time I log in, it’s like watching a car crash in slow motion. What the actual fuck is he thinking?
LMAO, it’s like Musk is on a mission to turn Twitter into a dumpster fire. First, he nukes the blue checkmark system and now he’s charging people to have a “verified” badge? What a cockhead. Can’t wait for the next trainwreck.
Seriously. This dude is out here playing Monopoly with our social media while the rest of us are stuck with this shitty version of Twitter. Like, what’s next? Charging extra for character limits or turning every tweet into a goddamn NFT?
I can’t even. He’s already implemented enough bullshit features to make my head spin. Remember when he was like “I’m gonna fix Twitter”? Now it’s just a glorified echo chamber of misinformation and ads. How much more can this shit show take?
Don’t get me started on the goddamn “X” rebranding. What a fucking joke. It’s like he’s trying to reinvent the wheel and ended up with a unicycle. The whole platform looks like it was designed by a high school kid on a Red Bull bender.
And the way he handles layoffs is hilarious. Just casually firing people like it’s a fucking game of “pin the tail on the donkey.” I guess if you’re a billionaire, you can just shit on people’s lives and laugh about it. Must be nice.
Remember when Twitter was actually useful? Now it’s just a cesspool of bots and spam, with Musk shoving more ads down our throats every day. The irony is that he’s killing the platform with the same zeal he’s using to “improve” it.
Honestly, I don’t even know why I still use Twitter. It’s like watching a soap opera where the plot never advances and the characters get dumber by the day. Every new update makes me want to gouge my eyes out.
For real. The only thing keeping me on Twitter is the fucking chaos. It’s like a live-action comedy where the jokes are on us. The more Musk fucks things up, the more I’m just here for the schadenfreude.
I just love how all the old-school Twitter users are freaking out while Musk is over here, probably getting off on the chaos. Like, bro, we’re all watching this disaster unfold and it’s the best reality TV ever.
Exactly. It’s like the guy bought the Titanic and then decided to steer it into an iceberg for kicks. And we’re all sitting here, popcorn in hand, watching the goddamn spectacle.
If this keeps up, I wouldn’t be surprised if he announces he’s turning Twitter into a space for his Mars colonization plan or some other wild shit. I mean, at this point, nothing would surprise me.
Fuck it, let’s just ride this dumpster fire to the end. If Twitter/X ends up as a meme museum of failed social media experiments, at least we’ll have some epic stories to tell.
Amen to that. It’s either laugh or cry at this point. And personally, I prefer to laugh my ass off while watching Musk’s Twitter trainwreck unfold.
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