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Holy shit, the planet’s on fucking fire and these assholes are still debating whether climate change is real. Are we just gonna burn alive while they sit around with their thumbs up their asses?
Dude, it’s a joke. The wildfires in Canada were insane, and now half the US is choking on smoke. But sure, let’s keep pretending fossil fuels are cool. Fucking morons.
For real, it’s 2024 and we’re still dealing with climate deniers. The Earth’s literally cooking, and these dickheads in Congress are like, “Let’s drill more oil!” Fuck them, man. We’re screwed.
And don’t even get me started on those billionaires talking about “escaping to Mars.” Like, what the actual fuck? Fix the planet we’re on instead of running away, you greedy fucks. They’re the reason we’re in this mess!
Yeah, because Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos really give a shit about us. They’re just playing space cowboy while we roast down here. Fuck them and their space toys. Maybe spend some of that cash fixing the climate instead of planning your fucking escape.
And now they wanna put more pipelines through Indigenous lands like it’s no big deal. Newsflash: it’s 100 degrees in April! But yeah, let’s keep fucking with the planet because profit. Dumbasses.
It’s insane. The fucking sea levels are rising, wildfires every summer, heatwaves breaking records, but nah, let’s cut more trees and build another fucking Walmart. Priorities, am I right?
And let’s not forget the dumbasses who think buying a Tesla means they’re saving the world. Congrats, you’re rich and clueless. The problem’s way bigger than your stupid electric car.
Exactly! Meanwhile, the government’s just giving lip service. “We’re committed to fighting climate change.” Yeah, by approving new oil projects? Fucking hypocrites. We need real action, not bullshit speeches.
This shit makes me so mad. We’re all fucked because these rich assholes can’t stop sucking the Earth dry for every last dollar. And people wonder why younger generations are pissed. We’re inheriting a literal dumpster fire!
I swear, if I hear one more politician say, “Thoughts and prayers” after another disaster, I’m gonna lose it. Get off your ass and do something about it, or shut the fuck up!
Thoughts and prayers don’t fix the fucking ozone layer! These clowns are playing us all. While they hoard cash, we’re the ones who’ll be wading through floods and suffocating in the heat. Fuck them all.
It’s gonna take a goddamn revolution to get these people to listen. They only care about money, not the planet. By the time they figure it out, it’ll be too fucking late.
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