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Yo, did you see that bullshit with student loan repayments starting again? We’re all getting screwed, man.
Yeah, what the fuck. They cancel a few thousand dollars, and then they expect us to be grateful? Meanwhile, billionaires get tax breaks.
It’s a fucking joke. They bail out banks and corporations, but regular folks like us? Nah, pay up or else. The American Dream is a goddamn lie.
Exactly. They dangle that “education is the key” crap in front of us, then turn around and bury us in debt for life. It’s all rigged.
And the politicians don’t give a shit. They just want to keep their donors happy. We’re all just collateral damage in their game.
This country’s broken, man. We’re paying for their greed, and they don’t care if we drown. It’s beyond fucked up.
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