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Yo, anyone else think this whole UFO craze is total BS? With all these vids popping up, it’s hard not to think something's fishy.
LMAO, bro, UFOs have been around forever and nothing solid ever comes out of it. But honestly, sometimes it feels like there might be something
Yeah, and suddenly they’re dropping these vids like candy. Makes you wonder if there’s some hidden agenda behind it all.
Hell yeah. It’s like they’re throwing UFOs at us to keep us distracted while they pull some shady shit behind the scenes.
Imagine if it’s real though. Shit would hit the fan. People aren’t ready to handle aliens for real.
Ready? We can’t even deal with our own mess here. If aliens show up, it’s gonna be chaos.
Just think if they show up and they’re chill. We’ll probably end up fucking things up anyway, just like we do with everything.
Yeah, or what if they see us as ants? They might just come to wipe us out like we’re pests.
If they wanted to wipe us out, they would’ve done it already. I think they’re just watching us, like some cosmic zoo exhibit.
Damn, thinking about it like that is messed up. Maybe we’re just part of their experiment. Makes sense with all the weird shit happening lately.
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