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Dude, has anyone else noticed how everything is subscription-based now? I swear, I’m paying for like ten different things a month just to exist.
No kidding, bro. We’ve got subscriptions for our subscriptions now. What’s next, a monthly fee to breathe?
Seriously though, it’s getting out of hand. Even my frickin' coffee machine wants a monthly plan for “premium features.” Like, what the actual fuck?
Right?! It’s like, can I just own something outright anymore? I miss the days when you could just buy something and be done with it.
Capitalism, my dude. They’ve figured out that bleeding us dry slowly is more profitable than just selling us stuff. It’s like death by a thousand tiny charges.
And don’t even get me started on streaming services. They’re all pulling their content to make their own platforms. We’re back to paying more than cable for half the content. Bullshit.
For real. I’m this close to going full pirate mode again. F*ck paying for six different platforms just to watch one show.
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