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Oi, you lot heard about that shit in Birmingham? They’re saying a fucking immigrant stabbed a kid. What the fuck is going on? This country’s turning into a shithole!
Here we go again with your bollocks. It’s always "the immigrants did it." That story’s not even confirmed, you daft prick. Stop believing every bit of shite you see online.
Fuck off, mate. The crime rate’s skyrocketed, and it’s not just “rumours.” Violent crime’s up 19% this year, and you can bet your arse a lot of it’s down to those fucking immigrants.
You’re a complete tosser, you know that? You don’t even know if it was an immigrant. And even if it was, you gonna blame all of them for one incident? You’re chatting pure shit.
Mate, open your fucking eyes. The NHS is collapsing, schools are overcrowded, and now kids are getting fucking stabbed. We’re letting too many of them in, and it’s biting us in the arse!
You’re such a wanker, honestly. Every problem in this country, and you blame it on immigrants. It’s the fucking Tories cutting everything to shreds, not some poor sod trying to make a life here.
Exactly! It’s the government that’s fucked everything, not some random immigrant. We’ve got the worst inflation in 40 years, energy prices through the roof, and all you cunts can talk about is “them” coming over here. Sort your fucking priorities out.
You lot are full of shit. It’s not just about the stabbing—have you seen the housing crisis? Rents are up 10%, and they’re still packing more people into this country like sardines. And who’s getting those council houses? Not the locals, that’s for fucking sure.
You’re barking up the wrong tree, you thick twat. The housing crisis is because of shitty policies, not immigrants. Maybe if the government spent less time lining their pockets and more time fixing the fucking problem, we wouldn’t be in this mess.
Oh, fuck off with your lefty bollocks. You’ll defend these fuckers no matter what, won’t you? Even when there’s a knife in some poor kid’s gut. Don’t pretend like you give a shit about the real issues.
You’re such a paranoid cunt. Everything bad happens, and you jump to the same conclusion—blame the brown people. Grow the fuck up and realise the country’s fucked because of the idiots running it, not the ones trying to live in it.
You lot are so far up your own arses you can’t see the real problem. Immigration’s out of control, and it’s affecting everything. Schools, hospitals, crime, housing—everything’s going to shit, and you’re still making excuses.
Nah, mate, the only thing out of control here is your fucking brain. You’re just looking for someone to blame ‘cause you’re too thick to see the bigger picture. Immigrants ain’t the cause of your shit life, the government is.
Spot on. Maybe if these mugs spent less time hating and more time understanding what’s really going on, we wouldn’t be in this clusterfuck. But nah, easier to point the finger at the bloke next door who speaks a different language, innit?
Fuck off, you woke cunts. Keep living in your fantasy world. When this country’s completely fucked, don’t come crying to me. I’ll be laughing my arse off when you finally realise how wrong you were.
Yeah, and I’ll be laughing when you get your head out of your arse and realise you’ve been played like a fiddle by the real cunts—the ones in Westminster, not the poor sods just trying to survive. Wake the fuck up.
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