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Oi, have you heard about that fucking mess in London? They’re saying some immigrant gang stabbed a local kid. What the actual fuck is happening in this country?
Oh, here we go with the same old bullshit. You don’t even know if that’s true, you dumb cunt. Stop believing every piece of shite you read on Facebook.
Fuck off, mate. It’s not just one story. Crime’s been going through the roof, and a lot of it’s linked to those fuckers. Just look at the stats—London’s knife crime has gone up 14% this year alone!
You’re a proper tosser, you know that? It’s always “the immigrants did it” with you lot. Maybe look at the fact that the fucking government’s cut police funding by 20% in the last decade. But nah, easier to blame immigrants, innit?
You can stick your excuses up your arse. This country’s been too soft, letting in every Tom, Dick, and Harry. Now we’ve got gangs running around stabbing kids, and you’re still defending them? Bollocks to that!
What a load of shite. It’s not the immigrants causing this country’s problems, it’s the fucking politicians. They’re the ones who’ve gutted the NHS, trashed the schools, and left people desperate. But you’d rather blame some poor sod trying to make a life here. Wanker.
Exactly. The Tories have been fucking us over for years, and now you’re surprised things are going to shit? And all you can do is shout about immigrants. Maybe if you pulled your head out of your arse, you’d see who’s really to blame.
Oh, fuck off with that bleeding heart crap. It’s easy for you to talk when you don’t live in these areas. The rest of us are stuck dealing with it. You know there’s been a 25% increase in gang-related violence in East London this year? That’s not a fucking coincidence, mate.
You’re just a scared little prick who needs someone to blame. Immigrants this, immigrants that. Maybe if you spent half as much time getting your facts straight as you do whining, you wouldn’t sound like such a knob.
You’re all so fucking naive. Keep defending them, and watch this country go even further down the shitter. You think they give a fuck about our laws or our way of life? They’re just here to take what they can and fuck off.
You’re chatting absolute bollocks. The real problem is that you’re too thick to see the bigger picture. It’s not the immigrants fucking this country, it’s the rich cunts in power who’ve been shafting us for years.
The only thing thick around here is your skull, mate. Keep spouting that lefty shite while the rest of us deal with the real consequences. It’s no wonder crime’s up when we’re letting in more people than we can handle. Schools, hospitals, housing—all fucked because of it.
What a load of fucking nonsense. Crime’s up because the government’s slashed public services to the bone. Blaming immigrants is just a lazy excuse. The real villains are the ones in Westminster, not the poor sods trying to live here.
Spot on. The only ones benefiting from this shitshow are the rich pricks who keep us divided. And here you lot are, playing right into their hands with your immigrant-bashing. Fucking pathetic.
You’re all brainwashed cunts. When this country’s completely fucked, you’ll still be making excuses. Meanwhile, we’re the ones paying the price for your stupidity.
Nah, mate, the only ones paying the price are the poor bastards trying to live here while you scream about bullshit. When you finally realise who’s really fucking us over, don’t expect any sympathy. You brought this on yourself.
You lot are unbelievable. Keep pretending it’s all fine, but don’t come crying when shit hits the fan. This country’s going down the drain, and it’s because you’re too blind to see what’s really happening.
Yeah, keep telling yourself that while the real crooks laugh all the way to the bank. You’re just another pawn in their game, but you’re too busy blaming immigrants to notice. Fucking mugs, the lot of you.
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