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Man, what the actual fuck is Trump doing? Dude’s just been indicted for the fourth fucking time, and he's still out here like he’s running the goddamn country. How’s this orange bastard not in jail yet?
No shit. It's a circus, bro. The guy's got 91 criminal charges across four different cases. He’s been charged for election interference, classified documents, hush money—hell, they’re throwing the whole fucking book at him, and he’s still out here doing rallies like it’s 2016. What the fuck is happening?
This shit's insane. Half the GOP still backs his ass. He’s raking in donations like crazy—$35 million in just the last quarter. Are people seriously that fucking dumb? This guy’s grifting them blind, and they’re lining up to give him more.
I know, right? His MAGA crowd is out there chanting “witch hunt” like they’re brainwashed or some shit. Dude got raided at Mar-a-Lago and had fucking classified documents in his bathroom. And these assholes are acting like he’s some kind of goddamn martyr.
It’s fucking hilarious and terrifying at the same time. The Georgia case is the wildest shit. They’re going after him for trying to overturn the election, telling Raffensperger to “find” 11,780 votes. Like, how is that not straight-up mobster shit?
Bro, it's total mobster shit. And don't even get me started on the January 6th stuff. He's facing charges for inciting that fucking riot, but his supporters are out there saying it was "peaceful protest." Are you fucking kidding me? We all saw the Capitol getting wrecked on live TV!
And now he’s talking about pardoning the January 6th rioters if he wins in 2024. How fucked up is that? The guy’s promising to pardon domestic terrorists, and people are eating that shit up. We’re living in a fucking bizarro world, man.
This guy doesn’t give a shit about anything but his own ass. He’s got like 50 different lawyers quitting on him, Giuliani’s broke as fuck, and Trump’s still rolling around in his jet like he’s invincible. Meanwhile, his legal fees are burning through millions of his donor's cash. What a goddamn joke.
And what’s worse is the media’s still obsessed with him. Every fucking channel, every day, it’s “Trump this, Trump that.” Meanwhile, half the country’s drowning in debt, rent’s sky-high, and healthcare’s still fucked. But nah, let’s keep talking about Trump’s fucking mugshot.
It's like we're stuck in this endless loop of Trump bullshit. The guy’s literally tearing the country apart, and instead of moving on, everyone’s glued to this trainwreck. He’s like a bad reality show that never fucking ends.
Seriously, dude’s already talking about revenge if he wins again. He’s out there saying he’ll “drain the swamp” harder this time, like we haven’t heard that bullshit before. If this guy gets back in the White House, we’re all fucked. Straight up.
It’s mind-blowing that people still think he’s the answer. This country’s got real problems—income inequality, climate change, the whole goddamn system is rigged. But nah, let’s put the guy back in charge who only cares about his fucking golf courses.
Honestly, if this country doesn’t wake the fuck up, we’re gonna end up with a full-blown dictator. Trump’s already talking about “reforming” the DOJ and FBI to be loyal to him. That’s straight out of the dictator playbook. Wake the fuck up, people!
I’m telling you, if we don’t get our shit together, we’re headed for some real dark times. Trump’s not just some clown, he’s dangerous as fuck. And half the country’s ready to crown his ass king.
Yup. This shitshow isn’t over by a long shot. 2024’s gonna be a fucking nightmare. Better buckle up, because if Trump pulls it off, we’re all in for some deep, deep shit.
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