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Yo, this youth unemployment shit is outta control. I swear, everyone I know is jobless or stuck in some dead-end gig.
No joke, man. We’re all busting our asses getting degrees and shit, and for what? Just to end up living at home and doing fuck-all.
Exactly. The system’s rigged, bro. They tell us to study hard, get a good job, and it’s all bullshit. There’s fuck-all out there.
I’m so sick of hearing “just work harder” or “take any job.” Like, fuck that noise. I’m not gonna bust my ass for peanuts and get treated like shit.
Real talk, this country is a fucking joke for young people. If you ain’t got connections or rich parents, you’re fucked.
That’s why everyone’s jumping on the government job bandwagon. Safe, stable, and no one’s breathing down your neck all day.
But dude, who the fuck wants to be a paper-pushing zombie for the rest of their life? It’s like giving up on living, man.
Facts, but what else are we supposed to do? The job market is fucked, and the pay is even worse. It’s like we’re stuck in a lose-lose situation.
And don’t even start with that “start your own business” bullshit. Yeah, like I’ve got stacks of cash lying around to throw at a startup. Get real.
The government doesn’t give a flying fuck about us. All these so-called “youth initiatives” are just PR stunts. Nothing ever changes.
Yup, those “job creation programs” are a fucking joke. They look good on paper, but in reality, it’s all smoke and mirrors.
And these companies, man… They want us to have five years of experience, a master’s degree, and be fluent in three languages, all for some bullshit entry-level pay. What the actual fuck?
It’s a fucking scam, that’s what it is. They expect us to be superhuman, but won’t even give us a chance. This whole system is broken as hell.
I can’t even imagine what it’s gonna be like for the next generation. If it’s this bad now, they’re completely fucked.
Man, I’m seriously considering getting the hell out of here. It’s a shitshow, and it’s not getting any better. At least overseas, there’s some hope.
A lot of people are thinking the same. But leaving ain’t exactly easy either. Moving abroad is expensive as fuck, and what if it’s just as bad over there?
True, but staying here feels like a slow death. If we don’t make a move, we’re just gonna rot in this shithole.
The worst part is, everyone’s feeling the same way. Lost, pissed off, and hopeless. It’s like we’ve been screwed over from day one.
Yeah, our parents could buy houses and cars with one job. Now, we’re lucky if we can afford rent and groceries. It’s fucking depressing.
And if you do manage to land a job, keeping it is another nightmare. Layoffs everywhere, people getting axed left and right for no reason.
We need to do something, man. We can’t just sit around and bitch about it. We gotta find a way to fight back, somehow.
But how? Everyone’s so burned out, they don’t even know where to start. It’s like we’re all just surviving day to day.
And don’t get me started on social media. Everyone’s flexing their fake-ass perfect lives, making the rest of us feel like shit.
For real. It’s all bullshit, man. Everyone’s struggling, but no one wants to admit it. The pressure’s killing us.
It feels like the whole system’s set up to make us fail. They keep moving the goalposts, and we’re the ones paying the price.
Exactly. And if we don’t push back, it’s just gonna keep getting worse. We need to figure out a way to break this cycle of bullshit.
So let’s do something, man. Even if it’s just talking shit and venting, it’s better than nothing. We can’t just sit here taking it.
Yeah, we gotta stick together. If we don’t, who will? We need to start looking out for each other before it’s too late.
Fuck it, let’s start making some noise. We can’t keep quiet and hope shit gets better. It’s time to make some changes, even if it’s small steps.
I’m in. We’ve gotta start somewhere, right? No one’s gonna save us but us. Time to get our shit together and fight back.
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