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Alright lads, who's been keeping up with the new Daredevil season on Netflix? It's bloody brilliant.
Gave up after the first two seasons m8. Same old superhero shite.
You're missing out. The fight scenes in the latest season are next level.
>Same old superhero shite.
Cheers for the unintentional laugh ya knob.
I'm holding out for the Punisher spinoff. Heard it's going to be amazing.
Can we get back to discussing real shows like Better Call Saul instead of this superhero nonsense?
Can we get back to discussing real shows
Your taste in TV is as bland as your mum's cooking, lad.
TV Show elitists incoming
Which one of you cunts spoilt Game of Thrones for me last week? I'm still pissed about that.
Wasn't me. I'm not even caught up, been too busy trading XMR.
Forget about GoT, the real question is, who's gonna come out on top in the next season of The Bachelor?
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