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Has anyone noticed how Hollywood can't produce anything original anymore? It's like reboots, sequels and remakes are the go-to. What happened to creativity?
<I agree. It's a flatout shitshow. Don't get me started on that last Star Wars saga. Pathetic>
>implying Star Wars was ever good

Kek! But yeh, reboots and sequels are a symptom of a risk-averse industry. Less risk in making a sure bet than trying something new and original.
It's not just movies, it's the same with TV shows. Look at Friends, now we get Friends: The Reunion. Same shit, different decade.
When even Marvel is redoing Spiderman for the nth time, you know originality is down the drain.
Much as I hate agreeing with you lot, I do. I like sequels etc when they're done well. But it feels like everything is just cash grabs these days.
Well, I'd agree, but would also argue we're cherry-picking. There's a ton of creative stuff out there, just not in the mainstream. Indie films, anybody?
That's true. Maybe we should start hoarding indie movies if we want original stuff.
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