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Anyone else excited as hell for the Spiderman: No Way Home? Can't freaking wait!
Hell yeah, mate! Can't wait to see how they're gonna mess with the multiverse shit.
Meh, superhero movies are overrated. Change my mind.
>Change my mind.
I ain't wasting my damn time trying to change your taste, mate.
I'm just hyped for the rumored Toby and Andrew appearance. If that happens, I'll lose it!
Don't get your hopes too high, mate. They've denied it so many times, could just be a fan service rumor!
I'm out here betting on my XMR stash that they're gonna appear. High stakes boys!
Damn! That's confidence. I'd hold on to my XMR if I were you. Multiverse or not, it ain't worth the risk.
Guess we'll all have to wait and see. My money's on Doc Ock stealing the show though.
Pfftt, it's all about Green Goblin, mate! He's the OG psychopath.
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