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It's good to see users are fond of DMC Trade & DM features
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Oi lads, anyone catch the latest Doctor Who? No spoilers if you can help it.
You kidding mate? BBC's been running that show into the ground for years. Call me when they get a proper writer again.
>Call me when they get a proper writer again

Haha, you'll be waiting until the end of days, mate.
Oi, shut it. Jodie's done a bang-up job considering what she's got to work with.
bang-up job? She couldn't act her way out of a wet paper bag. Hell, my nan's goldfish has better range.
^^ Hardly her fault, though, is it? Who could play a decent doctor with those s**t scripts she's been handed?
True mate. Gosh I miss the days of Tennant and Smith. Eccleston was bloody awesome too. Current stuff is just unwatchable.
You lot are just as picky as my missus. Help me out, guys. Bitcoin or Ethereum? Need to diversify that portfolio before the missus spends it on shoes and s**t.
Lol, from Doctor Who to crypto. Only on DMC.
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