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Tinder is the worst. It’s just a hookup app now. No one wants a real relationship.
Lol, what did you expect? It’s literally a swipe game. People just want quick fun.
That’s the problem. No one gives a shit about getting to know each other anymore.
Maybe you’re just old, dude. This is how dating works now. Adapt or die.
Adapt? To what? Being a number in someone’s endless swipe list? Nah, I’m good.
It’s not all bad. I met my gf on Bumble. Been together 2 years. It’s all about how you use it.
Yeah right, like you’re the 1%. Most people just ghost or get bored after a week.
Ghosting is part of the game now. If you’re not interesting, next.
That’s exactly why dating apps suck. No one invests time anymore. Just instant gratification.
And what’s wrong with that? We’re busy. Who has time for long convos that lead nowhere?
Busy doing what? Swiping on more people? It’s a never-ending cycle.
Dating apps are like junk food. Feels good for a second, then you’re left empty.
Yeah, but everyone’s eating that junk. No one wants to cook a real meal anymore, lol.
Relationships aren’t fast food though. You need to put in effort. Apps just make people lazy.
Effort? Lol, this ain’t the 1950s. If it’s too hard, it’s not worth it. Move on.
That’s why everyone’s single and miserable. Apps make it too easy to quit.
Or maybe people just don’t settle for less anymore. Standards are higher.
Higher standards? Nah, just more options. People think there’s always someone better one swipe away.
That’s the trap. Always chasing perfection and ending up with nothing.
Perfection doesn’t exist. But tell that to someone who’s got 10 matches waiting.
Yeah, but those matches are meaningless. Most convos go nowhere. Just empty DMs.
Maybe it’s how you’re using it. If you’re only looking for hookups, that’s what you’ll get.
That’s what everyone’s looking for. Relationships are secondary on these apps.
And yet people still complain they can’t find “the one.” Maybe stop looking on Tinder, lol.
Where else then? Bars? Social events? Please, everyone’s on their phones anyway.
Real life is still a thing, believe it or not. Meet people at work, hobbies, whatever.
Easier said than done. Who’s got time for that? Apps are just convenient.
Convenient, but also shallow. You can’t build something real on a swipe.
True, but the world’s changed. We need to change with it. Apps aren’t going away.
Maybe, but we can’t forget how to connect for real. Otherwise, we’re all just wasting time.
At the end of the day, it’s what you make of it. Use apps, but don’t rely on them.
That’s the trick. Don’t put all your eggs in the Tinder basket. Balance it out.
Yeah, but easier said than done when everyone’s swiping. The whole dating game is fucked.
Fucked or just different? Change isn’t always bad. We’ll figure it out, just like with everything else.
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