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AI is getting out of control, man. Anyone else worried?
Nah, it's all hype. They said the same about the internet. We're still here.
Bro, it’s not the same. AI is learning faster than we can keep up. Remember that thing where AI beat humans at Go? Shit’s wild.
Go? Dude, that was like years ago. Now they’re writing scripts, coding better than most people. My cousin got replaced by an AI chatbot at his job. Ain't funny.
Lmao, tell him to learn a real skill then. Adapt or die, bro. That’s how it is.
Easy to say until it’s your job on the line. By 2030, 375 million jobs could be automated. What then?
375 million? That’s bullshit. Where’d you even get that number?
McKinsey report, dude. Look it up. They’re saying almost 14% of the global workforce. That’s a lotta people.
But not all AI is bad. Look at healthcare. They’re diagnosing shit better than doctors. That’s saving lives.
Yeah, until they mess up and kill someone. Who's to blame then? The AI? The coder? It's all fucked.
AI ain't killing anyone, dude. It's just a tool. Depends on how we use it. We need better rules, not fearmongering.
Rules? When has that ever stopped anyone? Companies will do whatever makes them more cash. They don't give a shit about people.
Facts. Facebook got caught selling data, remember? What’s to stop them from using AI to do worse?
And don’t even get me started on deepfakes. Imagine AI making videos of you doing shit you never did. No one will know what’s real anymore.
We're already there. You see that fake video of Elon Musk promoting some crypto scam? People actually fell for it. The lines are blurring, man.
So what’s the solution? Ban AI? That’s not gonna happen. We’re too deep in this tech shit.
Ban it? No way. But we gotta slow down. More checks, more balance. Can’t just let this runaway train go wherever.
Too late for that. Pandora's box is open, man. We just gotta learn to live with it. Adapt or get left behind.
Maybe, but if we don’t get a grip, we’re all screwed. Remember, it's not the strongest who survive, but those who adapt the fastest.
Yeah, well, good luck adapting when the machines decide they don’t need us anymore.
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