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NFTs, man. Can someone explain to me why people are spending millions on f*cking JPEGs?
Seriously, though. I saw some pixel art sell for like $500k. What the hell is wrong with people?
It's all hype, dude. Rich people flexing. You really think those "art pieces" have any real value? Just wait till the bubble pops.
Nah, you're missing the point. NFTs are more than just pictures. It's about digital ownership. Think about it, blockchain tech securing your assets. It’s the future.
Future my ass. It's all speculation. 95% of these projects will be worthless in 5 years. You’re better off buying lottery tickets.
Yet people are getting rich off this sh*t. Like that Beeple sale. $69 million for a digital collage? That dude played the game right.
Yeah, but Beeple's an outlier. Most of these NFT artists won't see anything close to that. They’re just feeding the frenzy.
And don't forget the environmental impact. All that crypto mining? It’s burning through electricity like crazy. All for some damn memes.
True. Ethereum alone is responsible for more carbon emissions than some countries. And NFTs are only adding to that. Makes you think if it’s really worth it.
But isn’t ETH moving to proof-of-stake soon? That’s supposed to cut energy use by like 99%.
Maybe, but that’s if it even happens. And even then, it doesn’t erase the damage already done. The whole crypto space is a f*cking environmental disaster.
So what’s the play here? Avoid NFTs completely? Or is there a smart way to get in without getting burned?
Honestly, if you’re not in it for the art or don’t fully understand the tech, stay out. Most people are just gambling. And the house always wins.
I still think there's potential, but you gotta do your homework. Like, only invest in projects with real utility. Not just the next ape cartoon.
Yeah, I get that. But the FOMO is real. Every day I see someone flipping NFTs for crazy profits, and I’m just sitting here with my 9-5.
F*ck FOMO. You only hear about the wins, never the losses. Most people are getting wrecked in silence.
And don’t forget the scams. So many fake projects, rug pulls, and hacked wallets. People losing their entire life savings over this sh*t.
Yeah, the wild west vibes are strong. It’s hard to trust anything. Too many shady characters out there.
In the end, if you’re in NFTs, do it for the tech or the art. If you’re chasing quick cash, you’re gonna get burned.
Agreed. And don’t spend what you can’t afford to lose. This space is volatile as hell. One day you're up, next day you’re wiped out.
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