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Man, this AI shit is getting outta hand. Now they’re even making AI write books and create art. What’s next? AI replacing all of us?
Dude, it’s already happening. Just look at those AI-generated artworks selling for thousands of dollars. Who the fuck needs human artists anymore? We’re all screwed
Nah, you’re overreacting. AI is just a tool. It can’t replace real human creativity. It’s like saying the camera killed painting. We still have painters, right?
Bro, it’s not the same. Cameras didn’t steal jobs like this. With AI, companies don’t need to hire people anymore. They can just automate everything. Writers, designers, even musicians – all fucked
For real. Look at ChatGPT and those AI music generators. They’re pumping out content faster than any human could. Sure, it’s not perfect, but give it a few years, and it’ll be good enough for most people
And what about all the people who lose their jobs? Not everyone can just “learn to code” or switch careers. We’re talking millions of people here
Yeah, but isn’t that how progress works? Old jobs disappear, new ones pop up. When the internet came around, lots of jobs vanished, but new industries were born. Adapt or die, that’s how it’s always been
But this time it’s different. The speed at which AI is evolving is insane. It’s not just replacing manual labor, it’s coming for skilled jobs too. There’s a real chance a lot of people won’t find new work
Then what? Universal basic income? Everyone just gets paid to do nothing while AI does all the work? Sounds like a dystopia to me
I don’t know, man. Maybe AI will force us to rethink how society works. If machines do all the boring shit, maybe we’ll have more time to focus on what really matters. Or maybe we’re just fucked. Who knows?
Honestly, I’m more worried about who controls the AI. Big corporations, governments, they’re gonna use this tech to tighten their grip on us. Privacy? Freedom? Forget about it. We’re handing them the keys to everything
And they’ll sell it like it’s for our own good. “AI will make your life easier.” Yeah, until it doesn’t. Until it decides you’re obsolete. Good luck arguing with a machine that doesn’t give a shit about you
Well, it’s not like we can stop it. AI is here to stay, whether we like it or not. The best we can do is try to steer it in the right direction. But let’s be real, we’re just along for the ride at this point
So what? We just sit back and let it happen? Feels like we’re giving up too easily. There’s gotta be some way to keep humans in the loop, to make sure we don’t just become irrelevant
Maybe, but it’s not looking good. The future’s uncertain as hell, and we’re all just trying to figure out where we fit in this AI-driven world.
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