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Meat is murder, man. If you’re still eating animals in 2024, you’re part of the problem.
Oh, here we go. The vegan police have entered the chat. Not everyone wants to live off rabbit food, dude.
Seriously though, factory farming is fucked. It’s one of the biggest contributors to climate change.
Yeah, but going vegan won’t save the planet. Agriculture has its own environmental issues. Look at the water used for almonds and avocados.
True, but per calorie, plant-based diets are way more efficient. You get more food with less land, water, and emissions.
But what about people who need meat for health reasons? Not everyone can thrive on a vegan diet.
That’s bullshit. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics says a well-planned vegan diet is healthy for all stages of life.
Well-planned is the key phrase. Most people don’t have the time or money to eat a perfect diet. Meat is easier for them.
Easier doesn’t mean better. Over 70 billion animals are killed each year for food. It’s fucking barbaric.
But humans have been eating meat for thousands of years. It’s natural.
So is dying from infections and hunting with spears, but we’ve evolved past that. Time to evolve past meat too.
I get the ethical argument, but what about cultural foods? Are you gonna tell someone in Mongolia to stop eating meat?
Cultural context matters, but in developed countries, where we have options, there’s no excuse.
And what about lab-grown meat? Would you eat that? No animals are harmed, and it’s way better for the environment.
Maybe, but it’s still weird as hell. Feels like something out of a sci-fi movie. Not sure I trust it.
Trust it? It's basically the same thing minus the suffering. And it could be on the market within a decade.
Lab-grown or not, the meat industry is a beast. $1.3 trillion globally. They won’t go down without a fight.
And let’s not forget the government subsidies that keep meat cheap. They’re practically paying us to eat this shit.
So what’s the solution? Mass veganism? Ain’t gonna happen overnight.
It’s not about overnight. It’s about making better choices when we can. Even cutting meat by half would make a huge difference.
But the real question is, will people give a shit enough to change? Most just don’t care where their food comes from.
Maybe not now, but with climate change getting worse, they might not have a choice soon.
Yeah, when bacon costs $20 a pound, let’s see how many people still defend meat-eating.
Until then, I’m sticking with my BBQ. Vegan or not, nothing beats a good steak.
Enjoy it while you can. The future’s plant-based whether you like it or not.
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