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Man, have you seen gas prices lately? It’s fucking ridiculous. I can barely afford to fill up my car anymore.
No shit. It’s not just gas, bro. Groceries are through the roof too. I went to buy eggs, and I swear they cost double what they did a year ago.
And rent, don’t even get me started on rent. These landlords are fucking vultures, raising prices while we’re all just trying to survive.
The government’s out here talking about "economic recovery," but where the hell is it? All I see is my bank account getting drained.
Exactly! They’re all sitting pretty in their fancy offices while we’re out here getting screwed. It’s like they don’t give a damn.
I’m this close to saying fuck it and moving back in with my parents. At least there I won’t have to choose between eating and paying rent.
Same here, man. But even my folks are struggling. Their heating bill last month was insane. How are we supposed to survive this shit?
This whole system is rigged. The rich keep getting richer, and the rest of us are left to fight over the scraps.
I’ve been looking for a job for months, and it’s the same bullshit everywhere. Either they’re not hiring, or they want to pay you peanuts. What a joke.
Yeah, and then they have the nerve to say we’re just "lazy millennials" or whatever. Like, sorry I can’t survive on minimum wage, assholes.
Honestly, I’m about ready to pack up and leave the country. But where the hell would I even go? Everywhere’s fucked.
Fuck it, we’re all screwed. Might as well just hunker down and ride this shitstorm out. But man, it’s hard not to feel completely hopeless.
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