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I swear, every time I turn on the TV, it’s another debate. I’m starting to think these candidates just like hearing themselves talk.
No kidding. At this point, I’d rather binge-watch infomercials than listen to another one of their empty promises.
And what’s with all the ads? I can’t scroll through anything without seeing their faces. I just want to watch cat videos in peace!
Right? I’ve seen more political ads than actual content. If I hear one more “I approve this message,” I’m gonna lose it.
It’s like they think we’ll forget how much we hate them if they just bombard us with enough commercials.
The debates are the best, though. It’s like watching a reality show, but with old people yelling about taxes instead of who gets the rose.
Honestly, they should just settle this with a dance-off. At least then we’d get some entertainment out of it.
Or make them do something useful—like, I don’t know, actually work together on something. But that’s asking for too much, right?
Yeah, that’ll happen when pigs fly. Meanwhile, I’m over here wondering if they even know what it’s like to live in the real world.
Exactly! They’re so out of touch, they probably think a gallon of milk costs 50 cents and rent is $500 a month.
I’m just waiting for one of them to accidentally tell the truth. Like, “I’m running for president because I really like power and free food.”
That’s the most honest thing they could say. But nah, they’ll keep up the charade while we just sit back and watch the circus.
I’ve given up trying to keep track of who’s running for what. At this point, I just vote for whoever promises to stop sending me campaign emails.
Forget that. I’m voting for whoever promises to get rid of robocalls. Now that’s a platform I can get behind!
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