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Yo, did you hear about the latest conspiracy theory going around about the moon landing being faked?
Yeah, I saw some dude on Reddit going off about how the shadows in the pics don't match up or some shit.
I mean, it's pretty wild to think about. But like, NASA says they have like a shit ton of evidence proving it was real.
True, but you know how shady the government can be. I wouldn't put it past them to fake that shit for clout.
For sure, man. It's crazy how much misinformation is out there these days. You gotta fact-check everything.
Definitely, can't trust everything you see on the internet. Gotta do your own research and shit.
But hey, at the end of the day, who really gives a fuck? It's not like it affects us in any way.
Fair point. Let's just sit back, crack open a cold one, and enjoy the show.
Hell yeah, cheers to that!
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