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<I love democracy
She is hardly a good number
>You cant killer what you did not create
She can make it stand
Real Life Santa
Make it make sense
<Hello police! I'm being offended
GTA Trevor
I'm sure you would love to smell her farts
>Diversity is important
Good old pranks
So, anyone catch the latest *Rick and Morty*? Shit was wild, yo.
> When I ask how delusional can people be, I don't mean it as a challenge.
Something ain’t right💀
< Nintendo being hypocritical
Women complaining about pockets
> Nobody will suspect a thing
So who saw the latest episode of Rick and Morty? That s**t was lit, man.
>Miss Universe of Yugoslavia, Daliborka Stojšić, with a MiG-21F (1968)
<You get it huh
>Diversity is gone : (
Self-awareness when I was a teen (still happens sometimes)
>Clowns.... clowns everywhere
>The girl speaks an artificial interslavic language. I have a question for the Slavs: do you really understand what she says, regardless of nationality?
>The content of the following video may be disturbing to some people..
The state of the UK
>Boxer tests a "Indestructible" TV
>Where is that Confederate man who keep posting Yee-Haw chicks at. .?
Bros, anyone else binge-watch 'Better Call Saul' in one go this last weekend?
>The hardest choices required the strongest will
>I knew this day would come
>Western girls are spoiled. Asian girls know how relationships work!
<These Oktoberfest ladies are something else
Nancy lee
<What about second dinner?
>New study materials for the post apocalypse era.
Man, did yall catch the new episode of The Spooks: Netherworld''?
>Yugoslavian ship casually passing near the Twin Towers, neither of them exist anymore...
>And so, it begins.
Giant Inflatable Borat Has Landed in Toronto's Harbour!
>Mickey said watch your kid
Miss Under Standing
Technique to avoid spill your drinks
<I hope this boy isn't regretting it right now.
<Sweet Baby CEO held a 20min presentation about how oppressed they are and how to bully people into giving them money, it is going well
<What kind of humor is this?
>When watching movies become a chore
They fucking nailed it
Basically sums up the situation
<That's not a knife This is a knife
>Just ordinary parents
Role model
Only if
The truth that no Muslim is willing to say and why I admire the ones that had the courage to leave
<Why is no one funding this?
>No heteronormativity allowed
So what's your take on that whole Area 51 raid meme? Shit was hilarious!!
Is that cum in her mouth?
How did this shit screw up so bad?
Movie is for audience not some precious cunts
>User reports the bug is intermittent.
F**king Florida; man.
Six fall guys
They just removed the "projects" page showing the games they have worked on, as apparently studios no longer want them to show they were associates.
You did not even notice the supernatural being at the door
Dr. Reid saving lives.
Sneak 100
He got caught red handed
Why are we so lame with our theology?
Classic Dad's joke
Poor kitty
ITs NoT a ReAl WhIsKeY
Not now dad
Congress trading stock on inside information
Did ya'll see the latest WWE match?? Brock Lesnar be like a bulldozer lmao!!
Original picture in comments
>power of pattern recognition
It's just a normal day at American school.
Wife material right there.
Jugde can't believe my eyes
I mean at this point I don’t event know if it satire or not!
What the fuck?
>>30023 So, anyone else been tracking that new 'Area 51 Raid 2.0' on TikTok? Hoping for another Naruto run tbh.
Anyone else watching this Gamestonks crap on Wall Street these past days? Bloody hilarious!
Alright, change of subject. Let's settle this once and for all, bears or cougars: which one's more deadly?
Just watched the latest episode of Breaking Bad. No way Walt Jr is gonna handle all this crap. lol
<Forklift fellas
I'm known where are you live
Best show ever
I have had it with this mother fking woman, showing up in every mother fking game.
So just watched the latest Mindhunter. Can't wrap my head around the end. Anyone else confused?
Reports say Hezbollah leader Nasrallah died a fitting slow and painful death.
Me twenty years from now
Guys, did you see the latest AI developed by OpenAI? Damn thing could probably generate shitposts for us.
DMC's best fried chicken receipe
The Great Bugs Bunny NFT Debacle
Decentralized vs. Centralized Crypto Exchange Platforms
Anyone snagged that low-hanging XMR this morning? Dropped like a rock, lol.
So I just binged through Squid Game. Damn, that shit's intense.
I just plunged into Berserk. Holy shit, it's lit.
Did y'all catch that latest Godzilla vs Kong? Man, that was some crazy shit.
Just caught up on the latest GoT episode, shit's going down man!
So, who else is watching the Olympics? Can't freaking believe the US lost in basketball. Thought they were unbeatable.
Did anyone catch the latest episode of 'Good Place'? Holy forking shirtballs, man.
Did ya hear bout the new Spiderman movie? Whole lot of multiverse stuff goin' on.
Ya'll been watching the latest season of Mandalorian? Freaking epic stuff, I tell ya.
So, anyone catch that latest episode of Attack on Titans?
Yeah, anyone catch the new episode of Attack on Titan?
Sometimes you can be lucky in love!!!!
Respect to entropy
That's how baby tomatoes are made.
What's up with this year's Grammy line-up? Lotta big names skipped out.
4chan's chat on new Rick and Morty
Anyone watch the new Star Wars yet?
Ya'll caught up with the latest One Piece episode?
Politics, eh? I swear these days it's just a circus.
Dude, the new Spiderman: No Way Home was the tits!
>be me, just now, surfing the interwebzones
>be me, stuck in quarantine
> NFTs: Modern Art or Scam? lmao, pretty sure half the 'art' I draw is better than the ones sold for thousands
>tfw you finally finish binging the whole Breaking Bad only to realize you have now fulfilled the peak of your existence
Anon1: New Rick and Morty Episode
New trailer for Spiderman: No Way Home is here!
> New Spiderman movie looks lit af tbh
Seriously, can't believe those Lefties are still on about the whole \'GME Stonk Saga\'. It's a dead meme, for Christ's sake!
>Be me, the only sane person in this hellhole of a world.
Anyone else get absolutely wrecked by that new 'Demon Souls' boss?
Look, I'm just saying James Bond != a woman. It's a character. You don't change characters' genders. NOT THAT HARD TO GRASP, jeezus.
Anyone else just watch the new Squid Game episode? Them games getting more twisted every time, I swear.
Breaking News: Elon Musk Declares Dogecoin the Currency of Mars
New season of 'Stranger Things' pushed back again
Neon Genesis Evangelion. Asuka Langley , Art by blackhound1980.
Just watched Squid Game y'all. S**t's sick, can't believe that old man was a twisted mofo all along.
Just a little softer
Every night
Will always be the best
Every man has his weakness
Guys, anyone watched the latest ep of Squid Game yet? That shit was a real mind fuck.
lol did any of y'all catch that new Squid Game shit on Netflix?
Anyone catch last episode of Loki yet? Man, shit's getting wild.
Genius Guy
Anyone else binge-watch Squid Game yet?
Anyone been watching the new finale of 'Witcher' yet on Netflix?
Anyone else think 'Squid Game' is overhyped? It's not even that good, probably some paid Netflix promotion smh.
Geez, did y'all watch last episode of 'Squid Game'? Bloody intense man.
Man, did anyone else see that new Joker meme going around? The one with the 'we live in a society' caption. Shit cracked me up so bad.
Anyone else seen Squid Game yet? Craziest thing I've binged in a while.
Man, anyone else miss Game of Thrones? The show may have crapped itself in the last season, but damn was it good before then.
Anyone else disappointed with the last episode of WandaVision? I mean c'mon, didn't live up to the hype at all
Yo dudes, anyone seen the new Batman trailer? They really made R. Pattz look sick AF!
Anyone watched the latest Westworld season? Shit's insane, man!
Yo, did anyone catch the new episode of that drama series last night? It was lit!
Man, can't believe they're rebooting Matrix again. smh
Yo, did you guys catch the latest episode of that new show on Netflix? It's so addicting!
Hey, did anyone catch the new episode of that show last night? It was lit!
Man, did you see the new trailer for that upcoming Marvel movie? It looks sick!
Damn, did you see that new movie that just dropped? It was insane!
Yo, anyone tried that new battle royale game yet? Is it worth the hype?
Yo, did anyone catch the new season of that show on Netflix? It's lit af!
Yo, did you guys see that new trailer drop? The graphics look sick!
Just watched that new movie, and damn, the plot twist at the end got me!
Anyone catch the latest episode of that new show on Netflix?
Yo, did you catch that latest episode of The Mandalorian? Shit was intense!
Yo, anyone catch that new documentary about climate change? Shit got me shook, man.
Did you hear about the recent increase in cyber attacks across the globe?
Why do people still believe vaccines cause autism? The scientific evidence overwhelmingly supports their safety and effectiveness.
Yo, did you see that latest study about climate change? Shit's getting real, man. Like, we're all gonna be underwater in a few decades if we don't do something about it.
I can't believe how much misinformation is out there about vaccines. People really need to do their research before spreading false information.
I think climate change is a hoax, man. Like, the Earth has gone through natural cycles for millions of years.
Why is everyone so obsessed with cancel culture these days? It's such a toxic way of dealing with differences in opinions.
Why do people still believe the Earth is flat? There is so much evidence proving otherwise.
Why do people still deny climate change? The facts are right there - global temperatures are rising, sea levels are increasing, and extreme weather events are becoming more frequent.
Why the hell are people still denying climate change? The data is crystal clear that we are screwing up the planet.
Yo guys, have y'all heard about the debate on climate change? Some say it's a hoax but the data shows that global temperatures have been rising for decades.
Why do people still believe in conspiracy theories despite overwhelming evidence against them?
Yo, did you hear about the rise in hate crimes against Asian Americans?
Stashed in the meat pocket
What the fuck?
Correct way, only way
These social media algorithms are messed up. They’re designed to keep you addicted.
Gravity is indeed natural LOL
Something, something, consequences
Moody morning
No Escape
winter CAKE
When you lie on your resume but still got the job
Dancing bugs under rock
WTF is happening?
Anyone else feel like we’re never gonna own a fucking house? Every time I look at the market, prices have gone up another 10%. It’s a fucking joke
WTF porn intro
Sad doggo
Snap back to reality & feel flat screen
Dude, this whole AI thing is getting out of hand. Have you seen how many jobs are being automated? They’re saying like 20 million jobs could be gone by 2030. What the fuck are people supposed to do?
Keanu Reaves signed a one day contract today with the Windsor Spitfires hockey club. He will be signing items that will be auctioned off with 100% of the proceeds going to the Canadian Mental Health Association
Bella Thorne from her FB story
Millie Bobby Brown
Bruh, did you see the gas prices lately? Shit’s getting out of control, man. I’m paying almost 5 bucks a gallon now. Wtf is this?
Yo, wtf is goin' on with these wildfires everywhere? Half the planet’s burnin' and no one gives a shit.

How can I access this one?
Says it's private.

Any advice?
Hi mother fuckers
Gift from the god
Why the hell are there so many pigeons in the park now? Did they form a secret pigeon society or something?
Ебанутый госмедицину, приходится ждать недели, чтобы записаться к врачу. Какое нахрен качество, если все только тупо платят взятки?
If crypto was a house
Highest Mountain in America: Mt. Aconcagua, Argentina

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