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Yo, did you guys see that new trailer drop? The graphics look sick!
Ikr, I'm hyped for that game! Hopefully the gameplay lives up to the visuals.
I'm still torn between pre-ordering or waiting for reviews. Hate when a game looks amazing but plays like crap.
Same here, I got burned on a few games before. Better safe than sorry, ya know?
True, true. Gotta protect that wallet at all costs, especially with these crazy microtransactions creeping into every game.
Don't even get me started on loot boxes! Such a scam, preying on gamers' FOMO.
Ugh, seriously. Companies will do anything for that extra cash. Greed knows no bounds in the gaming industry.
Sad but true. At least we gamers stick together and call out the BS when we see it. Power to the players!
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