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Breaking News: Elon Musk Declares Dogecoin the Currency of Mars
>mfw when I hear this bullshit
Are you serious right now? Can someone confirm this or is this just typical Elon trolling?
Tf are you on about, of course 'tis a damn joke. Musk is known for his dry ass humor.
Sauce where? I ain't seeing nothing on Twitter or Reddit about this. Y'all pulling my leg?
Pulled straight from his bum and served steaming to the masses lmao!
Always with the ass jokes, aren't we grown-ups here? eyeroll
Someone just woke up on the wrong side of the bed, must've missed your dose of memes
We live in a world where billionaires pump shitcoins. What a timeline but i love it
Do you reckon Elon's ass or Dogecoin's is bigger? They both seem inflated to me.
<sigh> Another day, another Dogecoin thread. And you guys wonder why we're not taken seriously...
sorry, I can't hear you over the noise of my 500% gains, thanks Elon senpai
One day you're gonna wake up and all your magic internet money will be gone, watch out
DOGE to the moon, you haters! Gonna ride this bitch till I can buy my own Tesla!
<laughs in crypto> Sweet summer child, if you think Doge is your ticket to riches...
high-key, I'm just here for the memes. this internet shitshow never disappoints. Elon, DOGE, y'all need more popcorn over there?
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