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Giant Inflatable Borat Has Landed in Toronto's Harbour!
> goddamn it...not this shit again...
I'll be honest, it's a good laugh. Better than the duck we had a few years back.
< yeah, but at least the duck was harmless... this is just... lol, why?!
Bruh, it's all in good fun. Lemme guess, you also have issues with the cow on stilts in Chicago?
No, that is art. This is just... What's the next? Godzilla taking a dump on the CN Tower?
Idk why you're all complaining. Borat is a goddamn national treasure.
< national treasure, my ass. Just another way to attract mouth breathers to the city.
\> mouth breathers

lmao good one
I'm just glad it's not a Kardashian balloon... Now that would be a real nightmare.
I’m calling it now. Next egregiously stupid inflatable in somewhere like New York or some shit, gotta be Kim K’s butt.
 And you just gave someone a multi-million dollar idea. Congratulations.  
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