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These social media algorithms are messed up. They’re designed to keep you addicted.
Yeah, no shit. They just want you scrolling all day so they can shove more ads in your face.
It’s not just the ads, bro. They’re also pushing the most extreme content to get clicks. Look at the rise of conspiracy theories.
For real. Facebook, Twitter, even YouTube – they’re all feeding people bullshit just to keep them engaged. It’s toxic as hell.
 It’s all about money, man. The more time you spend on the platform, the more data they collect, the more cash they make.
What pisses me off is that they know what they’re doing, and they don’t care. It’s all “user engagement” to them.
They don’t give a fuck if society burns as long as their stocks go up. Just look at the Cambridge Analytica scandal. Data’s the new oil, and we’re the ones getting drilled.
True, but some people are smart about it. Use ad blockers, VPNs, limit your time online. You don’t have to be their pawn.
But the problem is, most people aren’t doing that. They’re just blindly consuming whatever the algorithm feeds them.
The real question is, should these companies even have this kind of power? They’re literally shaping public opinion and politics.
At this point, it’s not even a question of should. They already do. Look at the 2016 election or Brexit. Social media played a massive role.
It’s like we’re living in a Black Mirror episode. These platforms were supposed to connect us, but all they do is divide and manipulate.
And what’s the alternative? We can’t just ditch social media. It’s too embedded in everything now.
Maybe we need regulation. Like, real fucking regulation. Not the half-assed stuff we’ve seen so far.
Good luck with that. Those tech giants have deep pockets and a shitload of lobbyists. They’ll fight any regulation tooth and nail.
So what then? We just let them keep fucking with people’s heads?
People need to wake up and stop being sheep. But yeah, without some serious pushback, they’ll keep doing whatever the hell they want.
It’s scary, man. We’ve let a few companies control how billions of people see the world. How do you even fight that?
Maybe it’s not about fighting. Maybe it’s about creating something better. A platform that isn’t driven by profit.
Good luck finding investors for that one. But yeah, something’s gotta change, or we’re all screwed.
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