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Man, did anyone else see that new Joker meme going around? The one with the 'we live in a society' caption. Shit cracked me up so bad.
Dude, stop living under a rock. That's last week's meme. This week is all about the Dogecoin skyrocketing. GME got nothin on the Doge.
Aw hell, not another crypto bro. You're all the same, thinkin you're gon' get mega rich overnight lol.
Better than wasting my time memeing about fictional characters, m9. Anyway, it ain't just about getting rich. Look into blockchain more. It's gonna revolutionize a lot of industries beyond just finance.
Yeah, I heard even Twitter is considering adding Bitcoin to their balance sheet. Not sure if it's just a rumor though.
Wait till Elon Musk tweets about it. Then we'll know for sure, lol. Dude's the meme lord and market manipulator in one package.
I heard his hosting SNL next week. Wonder if he'll bring up Doge again, hahaha. Pump and dump the mainstream way.
It ain’t a rumor. Jack Dorsey confirmed the Bitcoin thing, I read it in the news.
Sweet! So who’s buying Twitter stocks? Or should we stick to good old crypto?
If Musk's tweet can skyrocket Dogecoin, wonder what Biden tweet can do? lmao
Lol, probably start another Cancel Culture war or something, considering the crowd on Twitter.
I'm more into WallStreetBets than Twitter. Stock hype is real over there.  To the moon!
Bro, that subreddit is a roller coaster. One minute you're a king, next minute you're crying over your lost tendies.
Heard they're making a movie about the whole GME and WSB saga. Not sure if I should be excited or scared.
Scared, definitely. Hollywood can't meme for shit. They'd probably cast Adam Sandler as DeepFuckingValue or something.
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