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Yo dudes, anyone seen the new Batman trailer? They really made R. Pattz look sick AF!
Lol, I thought it was only me who was thinking that. Dude has some serious vampire hangover. What's next? Glitter in the Batsuit?
Haha, fr tho. But still, I believe in Matt Reeves. Dude gave us the Planet of the Apes, man. So waiting to see how it pans out.
Apes are one thing, turning a moody vampire into a Dark Knight is a whole another shitshow. Lets hope they haven't screwed up this one.
I reserve all my judgement for when I see Colin Farrell's penguin. You see the fat suit they put him in. Total mad lad energy!
I'm with you on the Penguin! Gonna be lit to see how Farrell pulls it off.
I felt like I was the only one excited for Zoe Kravitz as Catwoman. Nobody talking about that.
Fr, always the Batman takes the limelight. Catwoman, Penguin and that Riddler guy will make or break this movie. Remember the trainwreck with Arnold's Mr.Freeze?
Hey Arnold's Mr.Freeze had some killer puns, bro. I use 'Ice to meet you' at parties now n then.
LMAO, you must be a hit with the ladies, bro.
Stahp it, you! But fr, ladies can't resist a good pun 😉
Imma save you all the trouble. It's gonna be mediocre, just like every superhero movie nowadays. Popcorn entertainment masking as profound cinema. Guys, watch Parasite or something!
Oh look, we got Martin Scorsese over here. Alright bro, let’s all pack up and watch Citizen Kane on your recommendation.
Okay okay, let's chill. This isn't the Oscar's jury. We are just peeps getting hyped for a comic book movie!
True dat. Also, DM me if you find good quality cam for the movie when it's out. Can't spare a dime after all these subscriptions :P
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