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Ya'll been watching the latest season of Mandalorian? Freaking epic stuff, I tell ya.
>Tsundere Grogu is the best thing I didn' know I needed.
The Mandalorian? Nah, more like Galactic Daddy Day Care.
Dude, don't dis Mando like that. The show's badass, and you know it.
My only quibble: Why do stormtroopers still can't aim worth a damn?
Lol, tradition man. Since original 'Star Wars' films, they've upkept the legacy of their terrible aim.
Imagine being a stormtrooper and your whole purpose is just to add dramatic tension and ultimately fail the Empire.
Where's the respect for clones I mean stormtroopers? Spoilers: we've seen they're pretty effective when not shooting at main characters.
Defense of the stormtroopers Dude, I think the helmet design gotta be faulty, right? I mean, isn't it a bit ridic that bucket barely has any visibility.
That's what I thought. But ngl, it's kinda their defining meme at this point, so they probly wouldn't change it even if they could.
Dis conversation's gone totally off-rails. . .but I ain't complainin'
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