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>be me, just now, surfing the interwebzones
stumble upon the latest Spider-Man trailer, shit's lit
finally, they fixed Electro's bullshit blue look from the old movies
''remember when Jamie Foxx looked like a sad blue raspberry? lmao good times'
<still got that weird theory this ain't our peters parker. feels off.
Yeah, strange AF, mate. Will defs watch the movie though
Possible Spider-Verse Scenario Tom Holland ain't our Spidey. Bet my left nut on it
Remember that time when everyone actually liked the Andrew Garfield Spider-man? Nah, me neither.
mfw people are betting body parts on online forums about Spider-man's identity
Seriously, these trailer drops are feeding the troll army. Twitter be flooded.
Got a mate who thinks it's all Mysterio's grand scheme or some shit like that
Wait, ain't Mysterio dead?
u just can't trust these Marvel bastards. Learned my lesson after Loki
Loki dying and ressurrecting becoming more common than my dad getting laid lmao
>literally me, reading that spoiler, not having finished Season 1 of Loki yet
yer, nobody's gonna respect your spoiler rights on this dumpster fire of a forum
Better learn the hard way. And by the way, Garfield Spidey was actually good. Fuck off, haters.
Unexpected Garfield defense squad in 3..2..1..
OI! Saying something nice about Garfield on the internet?? Risky business.
[insert sarcastic clapping gif here]
How the fuck we ended up in spiderverse territory from a random trailer talk? Luv it.
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