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Dude, this whole AI thing is getting out of hand. Have you seen how many jobs are being automated? They’re saying like 20 million jobs could be gone by 2030. What the fuck are people supposed to do?
Yeah, it’s scary as hell. I read that in the last five years alone, the automation rate in manufacturing has gone up by 30%. It’s not just factories either—white-collar jobs are next. AI is coming for everyone.
And it’s not just about jobs. AI is like, everywhere now. Companies are using it to track our every move, analyze our data, and basically control us. Privacy’s becoming a joke.
For real. Those smart speakers and phones we all have? They’re just listening devices for big tech to gather more data. And people are just handing over their info without even thinking about it. It’s fucked up.
And you know what’s worse? These tech giants don’t give a shit about the ethical implications. They’re all about profits. Take Google, for example. They’ve been caught using AI to manipulate search results and push their own agenda. It’s all about power.
Yeah, and then there’s facial recognition tech. That shit is everywhere now—airports, streets, even some schools. They say it’s for security, but let’s be real, it’s just another way to monitor and control people. It’s like we’re living in a fucking dystopia.
I’ve been reading about deepfakes too. AI is getting so good at creating fake videos and audio that it’s hard to tell what’s real anymore. Imagine the kind of damage that can do—fake news, ruining people’s lives with false evidence. It’s a nightmare waiting to happen.
It’s already happening. Last year, there were cases of politicians getting hit with deepfake videos that almost ruined their careers. And it’s only going to get worse as the tech improves. We’re heading into some dark territory here.
And yet, people are still so damn naive about it. They think AI is just cool tech that makes life easier, without realizing the trade-offs. We’re giving up control, piece by piece.
The problem is, it’s not just about what’s happening now, but where this is all leading. If AI keeps advancing unchecked, what’s to stop it from eventually making decisions for us, without our input? It’s like we’re building our own overlords.
Exactly. And when it comes down to it, who’s responsible when AI fucks up? Companies will just shrug and say, “Oops, our bad,” while real people’s lives are destroyed. The lack of accountability is insane.
The scary part is, we’re kinda just letting it happen. Governments are too slow or too corrupt to regulate this shit properly, and by the time they do, it might be too late. We’re gonna be living in a world we don’t even recognize.
 I don’t know, man. Part of me thinks we need to push back hard against this AI takeover before it’s too late, but another part wonders if it’s already out of our hands. We might just be along for the ride now.
Yeah, it’s like we’re all passengers on a train headed straight off a cliff, and no one’s got the balls to pull the emergency brake.
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