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Guys, anyone watched the latest ep of Squid Game yet? That shit was a real mind fuck.
Christ, stop spoiling it for us, some of us have a life ya know, can't just binge Netflix all day.
Dude, just stated a fact, didn't spill any beans. But lemme tell ya, it's gonna fuck you up real good when you watch it.
It's just another Korean drama hyped up to hell. Seen it all before...
You gotta be trolling, mate. This ain't no lovey-dovey K-drama, it's more of Hunger Games on steroids and cocaine.
Those peeps dying left and right, all for a shite ton of money. Kinda makes me think if it's worth it, ya know?
Money makes the world go round, bruh. But if you ask me, I'd rather be broke than deal with that kind of shit.
Well, sweet summer child, welcome to capitalism.
C'mon, is there anyone who wouldn't participate? Serious bag there, I'd be in for sure.
You say that now, but you'd prolly be the first one out, mate. Pfft.
Guarantee you wouldn't even get past the damn red light, green light game.
Hey, at least I'm not shitting my pants just thinking about it. You can't convince me you don't find that doll creepy.
Fuck, that giant doll gives me the heebie-jeebies, not gonna lie.
I reckon Squid Game's a social commentary in a wicked twisted package. The brutal lengths people go to win the bag.
It's all fun and games till you're faced with it, isn't it? Just like school, but deadlier.
Guess nobody's sleeping tonight, courtesy of this fucked up conversation.
Could’ve done without these nightmares, you twats.
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