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Anyone been watching the new finale of 'Witcher' yet on Netflix?
Dude, I iust binged that last night! Sucked that it took so long to hit screens, thanx covid.
Bro, that last fight scene was LIT! Geralt was in full beast mode… poggers moment for sure.
Massive spoilers, asshat! I haven't seen it yet. Damn…
Chill out, dude. No major spoils here… You still gotta see the whole thing, it's EPIC.
You guys heard about the Prince Andrew shitstorm? Royal family's in deep trouble lmao.
Heard? Man, that shit's all over Twitter. Feels like watching a trainwreck in slow-mo LOL.
Switching gears - anyone here played 'Elden Ring'? I've heard it's damn near impossible.
I've logged about 30 hours already, bruh. It’s hard as hell but insanely satisfying! Definitely worth the hype!
Lol, all you guys do is watch TV and play vidya. Ever seen the sun before?
Sun doesn't drop dope loot or series finales homie. So, why bother?
Can't argue with that logic lmao.
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