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Anyone else disappointed with the last episode of WandaVision? I mean c'mon, didn't live up to the hype at all
Yo, I gotta disagree. The character depth and story progression was lit, credit where it's due bro.
Lmao, you gotta be trolling. It felt rushed af. And don't even get me started on the CGI in the last fight. Piss poor!
Hahaha, gotta admit, the CGI was kinda crap. But you gotta remember it's a Disney+ series not a blockbuster movie.
Plus Mephisto wasn't there man... All those fan theories for what? A boner joke from Evan Peters. Ain't laughing at that one.
Dude, that boner joke got me lol... but yeah, no Mephisto was a bummer. The internet really oversold that
I just wish Vision wasn't so... ya know... vanilla. He's got the emotional range of a potato.
Well, what do you expect? He's a synth. Not exactly gonna be the life of the party is he. Or do you want him dancing on tables or something, lol.
I wouldn't mind a little salsa from Vision, spice things up a bit, haha.
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